Make a difference every month. Join our community of donors who contribute a chosen amount throughout the year.
Each. Step. Home is a project of Social Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a registered public charity which provides nonprofit status. Your donation is fully tax deductible.
*Your donation is fully tax deductible.
*Each. Step. Home is a project of Social Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a registered public charity which provides nonprofit status.
You can pay by credit card, bank transfer, Apple pay, Google pay, and PayPal.
Donate By Check
Please make your check payable to:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs.
Write “Each Step Home” in the memo section to ensure your contribution is correctly routed.
Mail checks to:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
23564 Calabasas Road Suite 201
Calabasas, CA 91302
Donate by Wire Transfer
Please dial (323) 344-0444 or contact us via email.
Start your own Fundraising Campaign
Launching your own fundraiser campaign is simple. Simply create your account below, select your goal amount, and invite friends and family to join.
Along with critical assistance to families and children at imminent risk and other expenses, your support covers:
Legal fees for representation to release a child to a sponsor’s care
Travel to see children and fill out critical applications
Accommodations, food, and shelter for families visiting their children
Bonds to release family members from detention centers
Communication via cell phones so families can stay in touch
Protective and medical supplies for children and families unable to afford them
Educational and recreational supplies for children in shelter care
*Your donation is fully tax deductible.
*Each. Step. Home is a project of Social Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a registered public charity which provides nonprofit status.
You can pay by credit card, bank transfer, Apple pay, Google pay, and PayPal.
Donate By Check
Please make your check payable to:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs.
Write “Each Step Home” in the memo section to ensure your contribution is correctly routed.
Mail checks to:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
23564 Calabasas Road Suite 201
Calabasas, CA 91302
Donate by Wire Transfer
Please dial (323) 344-0444 or contact us via email.
Start your own Fundraising Campaign
Launching your own fundraiser campaign is simple. Simply create your account below, select your goal amount, and invite friends and family to join.